Thursday, December 6, 2012


Just some random doodles I did while at work, which were cross posted on my main blog.

I didn't have his ref sheet so his proportions (on both sheets) are off; all in all though he's still a leggy and army creature. Something that will be interesting to explore, especially since his arms aren't as human in proportion compared to Sonic's or most other Mobian's on my list. his humerus and hand anatomy is closer to a canine's.

Antoine's Apartment

Yay! Technical boring design stuff! How fun is this?!

But on a serious note, doing these kinds of things is important to me, mostly because I'm neurotic and feel as though planning things out as much as possible makes the story and visuals more consistent as well as save time in the long run.

I'm not going to design every little element in his apartment because a lot of the more simple aspects can be drawn on the spot. But these more detailed objects are utensils he interacts with a lot in one portion of the story so I felt it was necessary to nail down their approximate look down from the get go as well as plan his house layout.

Now I can move onto his jalopy Vespa! Then I have to design his third outfit and the exterior of his building as well as the basic elements of his block. :B Maybe I'm putting too much thought into this... but it will be worth it! :D